Established in 1979
Over the past three decades, we’ve accumulated walls and shelves full of awards for everything from video to print, web to digital media, television programming and commercials (and are honored by them) but it’s how we’ve helped make our customers success that we’re most proud of.
We are obsessed with satisfying their clients and we do that through the Tam Commandments. Used in a tongue-and-cheek fashion, the (only) six Tam Commandments are messages that support our company’s values.
Tam Commandments
#1 Process is as important as product.
We’re collaborators. We want our clients to be involved as much (or as little) as they want in the process. And we want it to be easy. In the end, we want the client to be as satisified with not only the product but the process as well.
#2 The customer is not always right.
Radical thought, right? We believe we are hired for our critical thinking and for our ability to add value. It’s not in our nature to just blindly do what someone asks without running it through the filter of three decades of experience doing this thing we do. In the end, however, the customer IS the customer.
#3 Give the customer what they need.
Closely tied to #2, some times our clients don’t know exactly what they want but they’re typically pretty clear on what they want to accomplish. It’s our job to make certain our creative solution meets or exceeds those objectives. And again, in the end…
#4 It’s what we produce that counts.
Work smarter, not harder. Our clients are less concerned with how hard we work and more concerned with what we deliver. As they should be. We’re always interested in improving the process and our work flow if it will deliver a better product and increase customer satisfaction.
#5 Admit your mistakes and move on.
Clients trust us because we’re open, honest and transparent, even on those rare occasions when we have bad news to deliver. They know they can depend on us to say what we mean and mean what we say.
#6 Close the loop.
We’re all busy and no one wants more email but closing the loop allows our organization and our clients’ to move forward, with the peace of mind that a requested task is done.